Grow Like A Seed & Be Myself
Lusita LAO, MD
Specialist in Psychiatry


Suspended receiving new clients

Suspended receiving new clients

Suspended receiving new clients


New Course on December 14th

New Course on December 14th

Common Learn How to Make Connection between Trauma and Depression


Get to KNOW Your Child

Get to KNOW Your Child

Get Along With Your Child


2021 professional training series

2021 professional training series

This training is divided into three phases. The content of each phase of this training is based on t...


My Sharing: Practical tips on avoiding burnout or isolation for people working from home

My Sharing: Practical tips on avoiding burnout or isolation for people working from home

How you can manage your mental wellbeing during the COVID19 uncertainty


More about Domestic Violence

More about Domestic Violence

The psychological state of the victims along the whole process …. From calling the police to getting...


Issue of Domestic Violence

Issue of Domestic Violence

Currently, I have accepted the interview by Rita Tavares of TDM on the issue of Domestic Violence.


Talk in May 2019

Talk in May 2019

A friend of mine once said: Without shadow, an object has no depth and it could not be understood~


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