Grow Like A Seed & Be Myself
Lusita LAO, MD
Specialist in Psychiatry

Latest Published Paper on Dissociative Disorder

Release date:2023/11/20
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Our article "Working with Chinese trauma survivors with dissociation: Lessons from two cases in Macao" is now available online:

Working with Chinese trauma survivors with dissociation: Lessons from two cases in Macao

Im Wai Lao (a), Robert Grant (b), Hong Wang Fung (c)


Trauma-related dissociation is closely related to adverse interpersonal experiences, especially during childhood. Yet, it remains unexplored how traditional sociocultural norms and values in the Chinese cultures may be associated with dissociation. There is a lack of discussion and experience sharing regarding how to work with Chinese patients with dissociation in the literature. In this paper, we reflect our experience of working with Chinese patients with childhood trauma and dissociative identity disorder (DID). Two cases of the first author are described. We demonstrate that DID can be recognized in the Chinese context, although it is commonly covered by other problems (e.g., depression, somatic symptoms, marriage problems). We reflect the role of therapist in treating Chinese patients with DID while being culturally sensitive. We also discuss how Chinese sociocultural factors might influence the development and maintenance of dissociative symptoms. It is recommended that more research on the sociocultural correlates of dissociation is needed, and that dissociation should be recognized in the Chinese context.


Dissociation; Dissociative disorders; Childhood trauma; Attachment trauma; Social psychiatry; Cultural psychiatry; Self
