Grow Like A Seed & Be Myself
Lusita LAO, MD
Specialist in Psychiatry

I am a doctor with over 20 years of clinical experience, including 18 years working in the mental health and psychological field. I gained my Psychiatric Specialties qualification at Macau Health Bureau and am a Fellow of the College of Internal Medicine (Psychiatry) of the Macao Academy of Medicine, and a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP) in the United States. Since 2010, in addition to being responsible for the clinical work in the psychiatric department of the hospital, I have worked as a trainer and examiner for the interns, assisting in the training of community psychologists, security police, and senior police officers as well as nursing students in college.

Over the years, I have been to different places, including the United States and several Asian countries for training exchanges. I noticed the importance of proper upbringing, education, and training for a person's healthy growth and development. I also realized that we can live our own lives only when we get to know ourselves well. I started to explore myself and received a series of psychological and intensive training as well as working individually with my supervisor Dr. Robert Grant, an experienced trauma expert in the United States, since 2012.

In addition to professional and theoretical knowledge, the acquisition of real knowledge is very important to me. I experienced and immersed myself in what I have acquired about myself and reality in through reflection on my own experience. My self-awareness has increased gradually. All that I obtained in the outside world has been continually accumulated and fermented in and through my inner life. I have become more aware of my self and more self-directed (internally referenced and directed from within as a result of regular introspection and self-analysis).

I started to establish my own career in 2016. In addition to private practice, I continue to work, teach, and train in the Macao region. This has included a series of professional training for social workers and employees of local non-government organizations, group supervision of multi-disciplinary professionals, and lecturing in the Bachelor of Psychology program at a local University for consecutive two years.

“... there are always choices to be made . Everyday , every hour offers the opportunity to make a decision , ...”

Frankl , 1993

Treatment Approach

My approach is different from ordinary psychiatrists and psychopharmacological treatment. I more concern about my clients comprehending the psychogenic origins of their symptoms by exploring their thoughts, feelings, and problematic relational patterns.I am doing western-oriented psychotherapy and that requires people to become more individualize which has benefits and a cost (ie., risk some of those social benefits from having the social-centric self) in terms of the Chinese social system.

I help them to face the real obstacles in their lives, while giving them more options on the path of authentic healing.

On top of all this, I work to expand my clients' personal strengths, to assist them to reclaim their creativity and live to their full potential so as to gain the long-term efficacy in their personal, social and professional lives.

Special Interests

  • Female Psychology (particularly Mother-Daughter Relationship & Mother-Son Relationship)
  • Personal Growth and Potential Display
  • Emotional Disturbance due to Difficulty Relationships
  • Complicated Trauma
  • Dissociative Disorder

Languages Spoken

  • Cantonese · English · Mandarin